Thursday, 15 December 2016

Pianists perform

Well done to all the pianists who played for us in assembly today.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Orchestra play in assembly

Thank you to the orchestra who played music from Carmen, Les Miserables and The Snowman in assembly today. They then accompanied us as we sang We wish you a merry Christmas.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Violinists perform in assembly

Well done to all the violinists who played so beautifully for us in assembly today.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Rock and Pop Assembly

Today we heard all about different guitars in assembly and joined in singing some great songs.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Lower School Choir sing in St Albans Abbey

Today the Lower School Choir enjoyed joining lots of other St Albans schools at a Carol Service in St Albans Abbey. They heard all about the Christmas story.